Airbus Archive

  • Bill’s Maiden Flight of the Project X ….the Airbus RC edf A-380…GREAT Job BIll!!! I went out to fly her FPV but my gear was not working correctly. I stuck a key chain cam on her and just flew LOS to see if there were any vibrations.

    RC EDF Airbus A-380 – Maiden Flight

    Bill’s Maiden Flight of the Project X ….the Airbus RC edf A-380…GREAT Job BIll!!! I went out to fly her FPV but my gear was not working correctly. I stuck a key chain cam on her and just flew LOS to see if there were any vibrations.

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  • Radio controlled A330 Airbus with 2 engines jetcat P80 using a complete light system ( beacon, anti collision, navigation, approach and rolling lights

    A330 RC Airbus landing jet at evening

    Radio controlled A330 Airbus with 2 engines jetcat P80 using a complete light system ( beacon, anti collision, navigation, approach and rolling lights

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  • If you’re an RC fanatic, don’t forget to subscribe, since I am regularly uploading great video’s… Ok, this is an Airbus 380. Video Rating: 4 / 5

    RC Airbus A380 Turbine Powered

    If you’re an RC fanatic, don’t forget to subscribe, since I am regularly uploading great video’s… Ok, this is an Airbus 380. Video Rating: 4 / 5

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