RC plane Dogfight kill.avi

Dog fight with Video Camera attached Video Rating: 5 / 5 This turbine-powered RC plane breaks up in mid air and plunges to the ground in pieces. Damn, I missed the actual break-up but I did catch the bits falling. Nobody’s totally sure what happened but it’s possible that a...

Dog fight with Video Camera attached
Video Rating: 5 / 5

This turbine-powered RC plane breaks up in mid air and plunges to the ground in pieces. Damn, I missed the actual break-up but I did catch the bits falling. Nobody’s totally sure what happened but it’s possible that a heavy landing earlier in the day may have weakened the spar which later broke, causing the left wing to tear-free and knock off the vertical stabilizers — resulting in an uncontrolled flat-spin for the rest of the model. RC jets are great fun but you can spend money *really* fast when things like this happen. Subscribe to XJet for a regular feed of full-sized and RC model videos, plus some other cool stuff.
Video Rating: 2 / 5