build your micro hydro generator turgo alternatives energy

The Turgo turbine is an impulse type turbine; water does not change pressure as it moves through the turbine blades. The water’s potential energy is converted to kinetic energy with a nozzle. The high speed water jet is then directed on the turbine blades which deflect and reverse the flow....

The Turgo turbine is an impulse type turbine; water does not change pressure as it moves through the turbine blades. The water’s potential energy is converted to kinetic energy with a nozzle. The high speed water jet is then directed on the turbine blades which deflect and reverse the flow. The resulting impulse spins the turbine runner, imparting energy to the turbine shaft. Water exits with very little energy. Turgo runners may have an efficiency of over 90%. A Turgo runner looks like a Pelton runner split in half. For the same power, the Turgo runner is one half the diameter of the Pelton runner, and so twice the specific speed. The Turgo can handle a greater water flow than the Pelton because exiting water doesn’t interfere with adjacent buckets.
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This video shows one of the many prototypes that I have realized to test my turbine. It is useful to have a car alternator (I used the one of my old fiat) coupled with my TURGO turbine. To tell the truth using a car alternator is not the better thing, due to the low-level performance and to the high number of rpm necessary to start to generate energy. So I advise against the use of it in general. Only in particular cases it could be justified to use it: if you don’t have particular problems of power to be produced, or if the use is really sporadic, its use could be justified. Especially for the easy way to obtain the components, the system shown in the video is very cheap, because it’s realised with recovered materials. This system is now in use in a mountain house coupled to a 75 Watt solar panel. In questo video si vede uno dei tanti prototipi che ho realizzato per il test delle mie turbine. Ho utilizzato un alternatore di macchina (la mi vecchia fiat) accappiato ad una mia turbina TURGO. Occorre subito premettere che utilizzare un alternatore di auto non è la cosa migliore. Per via del basso rendimento dell’alternatore, e del giti alti necessari per far si che inizi a generare. Quindi ne si sconsiglia in generale l’uso. Solo in casi particolari potrebbe essere giustificato il suo utilizzo. Se non si hanno particolari problemi di potenza da generare, o se l’utilizzo è veramente sporadico, il suo uso potrebbe essere giustificato. Soprattutto per il facile reperimento dei