FlyCat 71 High Speed Take off Crash

Well no idea what happened, engine goes full throttle, plane turns left and boom sha ka la ka, it was the end of FlyCat 71. I am so glad that it did not come at Maryam who was shooting next to our car. It could have been bad. Lessons learned,...

Well no idea what happened, engine goes full throttle, plane turns left and boom sha ka la ka, it was the end of FlyCat 71. I am so glad that it did not come at Maryam who was shooting next to our car. It could have been bad. Lessons learned, next time Maryam will stay with me, behind me all the time. Enjoy this awesome crash. Comments and feedback welcome at or Don’t forget to Subscribe to

Its another FlyCat 71 Update but this time we were doing preflight testing at RC Airport. We had to cancel the plan to fly it as we got some issues with DX7 2.4G Rx. Enjoy this video. Flight video will come soon. Comments and feedback welcome at or Don’t forget to Subscribe to